Thank you for your support
When a person starts on a path that includes a small home business it can be difficult not only on the person starting it but also their friends and family who are trying to show their love and support. Supporting and artist can even be more difficult due to when their creative ideas come then the world takes a pause so not to loose their inspiration (which can come at any time day or night and any where they may be) Support for an artist comes in a whirl wind of ways. From providing materials to work with and being your personal cheerleader to taking the time to like, comment and share your work. My personal favorite support is when someone helps me to grow and achieve my highest goals and is always their to assist in pushing me forward in further educating myself in new techniques.
Starting a business completely over is very difficult as many of you know. And starting your entire life over at the same time only intensifies the roller coaster. I have always told my children that "it takes a village to raise a child" but I have also learned that it also takes a village to create a successful business (either a village or the money to hire the people that are needed....which money is something we do not have in abundance - so I thank God for my village of supporters)
My beloved has worked very hard to try to make sure that I have the best and most updated equipment. My girls have spent many of nights keeping me company and helping me tweak the smallest of details from a design in my head. They made dinners for all of us and helped me set up and break down on numerous occasions with a smile on their face (even though I know in my heart they probably wanted to be doing other teen-ager things). Their happy spirit and joy of helping me will always touch my heart as a mom. I have had friends stay on the phone and even come over in the middle of the night to keep me company and assist me when I was struggling on a design but couldn't sleep because it kept spinning around in my head. I have been blessed with kids that we have had in our lives since they were little stopping by on late nights to bring me my favorite drink and goodie. My sister - who by the way use to be a web-designer and is the well known blogger behind Taylor Life has spent many days and nights helping to guide me through the daunting task of building my website and setting up all the various forms of social media. My daughter-in-law Erica has created me my very first poster for this edition and is even creating me a custom logo (her skills are amazing- feel free to contact her if you are in need of exceptional work with a sweet personal touch). I am hoping with her photography experience she will be able to assist me with some better product photos when they return home in a few months because I am def no photographer lol. Friends and people I have created for have taken special time out to share my work on their social media accounts and have promoted my work throughout their own friends and families - I personally take this as the highest form of compliment to me and my heart is warmed every single time. I am so proud, happy and blessed to have such an amazing support group to have such a wonderful village of people in my life that care for me and are assisting me in the growing process. Each of them sharing their own expertise!
A few months ago, I set up a brand new Facebook page under the More than Memories Keepsakes Name to showcase the keepsake creations that I have made and are making now. I have been absolutely amazed at how quickly I have reached 500 fans. That is quite a bit of support! To show my appreciation I will be giving away two (2) custom Pandora style keepsake beads to two (2) of my precious supporters on Facebook. There is nothing to do to enter - if you are a fan and have "liked" my page then you are entered. Due to the nature of my work however if you are interested please go and like the 500 like Giveaway post or leave a comment in the comment section to let me know that are wanting to be included in the drawing. Since we will have been growing in support so quickly there will be a random drawing on February 28th and I will announce the two winners on March 3rd.

And to each and every one of you...Thank you! Thank you for your support and your trust with your precious memories.
Special thanks to Erica Inglett for this beautiful Giveaway poster design. It is beautiful baby!! :)