Pink & Blue Breast Milk Keepsake Charm Set
This set of breast milk keepsake charms was created as a very unique Christmas gift from a loving husband to his wife. What a sweet and...

Breastfeeding Milestone Award Jewelry
Watching my daughter during her breastfeeding journey was more difficult than I could have ever imagined. It is not like I did not...

Thank you for your support
When a person starts on a path that includes a small home business it can be difficult not only on the person starting it but also their...

Breast Milk Jewelry Keepsakes
Video collection of breast milk jewelry created by Angela Banister at More than Memories Keepsakes

Babies First Outfit Keepsake
One of the most exciting times in a families lives is when it grows with a brand new addition. We personally are very lucky to have had...

Welcome to More than Memories Keepsakes...we are moving from Crafty Compliments and very excited to display all of our keepsake designs with