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Pipe Fitter Dust Keepsake Bead Set

We as proud wives and daughters can sometimes have a hard time finding good moments to brag on the man that does so much to make our lives a happy place to be. The brag door always seems open when dealing with your child or your grandchild. I mean honestly how many times have we been waiting in a line in the store and end up filling our time swapping stories about our kids or grand-kids with another store patron ...I don't know about you, but I have been late getting home on WAAAAY to many occasion for that very reason.

Pipe Dust Keepsake Bead Set

I rarely get the opportunity to just start up an entire conversation about my dear beloved, and let me tell you it is definitely not from lack of trying because anyone that knows me knows that I can talk to anyone about almost anything and love every minute of it. I love to wear my personal Proud Pipefitter Wife set (mostly because I am sure to get many comments- which in turn opens the door for me to brag on my beloved hero). Anyways back to where I was going with this.. This bead set was actually made for my girls. I know they are proud of their dad. and I know that this was a wonderful addition to their own personal set.

You see my children have not had it easy...but really who has.He has dedicated so many years to making sure that each of us had what we needed to get through the hard times mostly at his own personal expense. He has been there for all of us in so many ways that I could literally go on and on about. He wakes everyday before the sun is up and works until the sun goes down. He is there when we are upset (even if he has no idea what is going on). He is the rock. He may not be perfect...but he is our Hero everyday. Good bad and indifferent he is always there.

Honoring him as the hero he is to our family I created my daughters this keepsake bead set that includes pipe dust to represent his work as a pipe fitter. My youngest daughter thinks they look like aggressive glitter or like a "man glitter" and I have to agree- this picture surely does not do it justice as I have never said I was a photographer.

If your hero is a pipefitter, welder, carpenter, or works/hobbies in other construction fields let me create you a custom keepsake that includes a big part of his daily life too.

What do you think? Leave your comment below and let me know if you think it looks like "man glitter" too!

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