History of Cremation Ash Jewelry
The History of the first known pieces of cremation jewelry can be dated back to the beginning of man. Everything from skin, nails, tears or even droplets of blood behind a plate of glass were used as keepsakes. Over time, these memorial keepsakes have evolved from blood to hair and now the use of cremation ashes in modern art work. All with the purpose to help people with grief and the loss of a loved one.

Back in the Victorian ages it was common to have a family portrait taken when someone in the family died. Families who wanted to remember their loved ones after they had passed did so with a family “Death Photo”.It was around this time that memorial jewelry began to take the place of the death photo. At the time, it was called mourning jewelry and did not hold ashes: it held hair. When people died, hair was often clipped from the head of a deceased person and then woven into a bonnet that would be given to the next of kin. This is very similar to the way cremation jewelry for ashes is used today.

Back in the Victorian ages it was common to have a family portrait taken when someone in the family died. Families who wanted to remember their loved ones after they had passed did so with a family “Death Photo”.It was around this time that memorial jewelry began to take the place of the death photo. At the time, it was called mourning jewelry and did not hold ashes: it held hair. When people died, hair was often clipped from the head of a deceased person and then woven into a bonnet that would be given to the next of kin. This is very similar to the way cremation jewelry for ashes is used today.

The first mourning jewelry to incorporate bodily remains featured intricately woven hair. and were often pins, rings or pendants. Mourning jewelry was hair art; hair art is the ancient practice of creating wreaths, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, bonnets and other decorative accessories entirely from human hair. The pieces were intricate crochet work and elaborate weaves. This made mourning and the passing less heartbreaking for those that lost a loved one.

People considered it bad luck to possess things of the dead such as teeth, skin and nails so, people started carrying things like burial dirt, a lock of hair, or even the cremated ashes of their loved one so that they could keep them close and not have to worry about bad luck following them. Today cremation jewelry is not the only thing people are doing with the cremation ashes of their loved ones. Today cremation ashes are used in everything from Paintings with the ash in the paint, ashes tattooed into your skin, to Glass formed with cremation ashes inside jewelry. Cremation art has taken the place of the intricate hair art mourning jewelry of the past.
People have always held on to something to heal grief or feel more connected to lost loved ones. Creating keepsakes from the remains of people who have passed away, I am sure will always be apart of the human grief process.
I personally am truly blessed to be part of such a deep rooted historical art form.
Such an awesome article on the history of such any amazing art form by - Joele Williams at Infusion Glass